Welcome to SHRAPNEL, the world’s first blockchain-enabled first-person shooter (FPS) game, developed by a BAFTA and Emmy award–winning team of game industry veterans at NEON. SHRAPNEL presents a rich set of player-creation tools, combining combat, creation, curation, and connection into a community where players own the platform and decide its future.


In the world of SHRAPNEL, a massive asteroid called 38 Sigma has collided with the moon, causing lunar meteorites to bombard a 500-kilometer-wide band around the Earth. The area, which becomes known as the Sacrifice Zone (The Zone), is left uninhabitable and walled off from the rest of the world.

The world speculates about what is being uncovered by the teams of paramilitary contractors guarding The Zone. Rumors swirl of a mysterious material called Compound Sigma that allows quantum mechanics behaviors to manifest in the classical physics realm. Nations and corporations begin assembling their own Mercenary Extraction Forces, or MEFs, to venture into The Zone. Chief among them is VELDACHA CORP. (V-Corp), a company that quickly corners the market on new technology born from these world-changing discoveries. Enter the players: MEF Operators battling in the bloody war for control over The Zone and its many secrets.


BigTime Studios


Vulcan Forged